Wednesday, November 16, 2005

About Pat Robertson: I Couldn't Have Said It Any Better

One of my partners published a letter in the Philadelphia Inquirer yesterday, commenting on the latest idiotic comments from Pat Robertson. Here's the letter, in full.

When I read Pat Robertson's latest raving, against the citizens of Dover, Pa. - who had the wisdom and courage to vote out a school board seemingly intent on taking the teaching of biological science back to the prehistoric era - I had two thoughts. First was that there could be no doubt to anyone that intelligent design is in fact nothing but a euphemism for creationism, something that intelligent design supporters have long denied. Why else would Robertson, a voice of the evangelical Christian movement and a longtime George Bush ally, be portending fire and brimstone for the taxpayers of this Pennsylvania hamlet?
Second was that, as a man who believes in not just the U.S. Constitution but also in God, I wondered what vengeful, vindictive God Robertson was referring to. The God I worship would not punish people who showed enough courage and conviction in their beliefs to act upon them, especially by performing that most secular action, voting. Robertson's ravings sound like the threats made by other religious fanatics around the world, who ironically are also determined to disrupt and destroy our American way of life - in the name of God.

I really couldn't have said it any better. Thanks, Scott!


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